A closer look at United States and global surface temperature change. GISS analysis of surface temperature change. A common-sense climate index: Is climate changing noticeably? Proc. Global surface air temperature in 1995: Return to pre-Pinatubo level. Writeup on obtaining an absolute global mean temperatures. They have comments in the datafile and the
Please read and refer to this web page plus the main web page describing various temperature indices at the main NASA/GISTEMP webpage. Values andĭata values are from NASA/GISS. Since the loading pattern of AO (AAO) is obtained using the monthly mean height anomaly dataset, the index corresponding to each loading pattern becomes one when it is normalized by the standard deviation of the monthly index.
Both time series are normalized by the standard deviation of the monthly index (1979-2000 base period). Since the AO and AAO have the largest variability during the cold sesaon (variance of AO/AAO), the loading patterns primarily capture characteristics of the cold season patterns.ĭaily and monthly AO (AAO) indices are constructed by projecting the daily and monthly mean 1000-hPa (700-hPa) height anomalies onto the leading EOF mode. Note that year-round monthly mean anomaly data has been used to obtain the loading patterns.

Note, values are now from CPC as they update their dataįrom CPC: The loading pattern of AO (AAO) is defined as the first leading mode from the EOF analysis of monthly mean height anomalies at 1000-hPa (NH) or 700-hPa (SH). These are provided by Phil Klotabach at CSU. (Updated to 2016) Monthly totals Atlantic hurricanes and named tropical stormsĮach month has the total number of hurricanes or named tropical storms in that month in the Atlantic region. for longer timeseries, go to Ī linear time series (1,2,3.). Trenberth and Hurrell (1994): Climate Dynamics 9:303-319. The time series and more information are available.Īrea-weighted sea level pressure over the region 30N-65N, The Northern Oscillation Index (NOI): a new climate On the difference in SLP anomalies at the North Pacific High and near Darwin Australia.

Northern Oscillation Index is an index of climate variability based Tripole Index for the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation Details and more information are available. Details and more information are available.
Leading PC of monthly SST anomalies in the North Pacific Ocean. (5N-5S)(170-120W) From CPC: uses the NOAA ERSST V5 anomalies. (160E-150W) From CPC: uses the NOAA ERSST V5 anomalies. SST *(0-10S, 90W-80W) From CPC: uses the NOAA ERSST V5 anomalies. Details and current values are PSL's MEI webpage. Multivariate ENSO Index (MEI V2) Time series is bimonthly so the Jan value represents the Dec-Jan value and is centered between the months. These 30-year base periods will be used to calculate the anomalies for successive 5-year periods in the historical record. Three month running mean of NOAA ERSST.V5 SST anomalies in the Niño 3.4 region (5N-5S, 120-170W), based on changing base period which onsist of multiple centered 30-year base periods. Oceanic Niño Index From NOAA Climate Prediction Center (CPC). Enfield, 2001: The tropical Western Hemisphere warm Based on HadISST and NOAA OI SST (for latest value). Monthly anomaly of the ocean surface area warmer than 28.5° C in the Atlantic and eastern North Pacific. HadISST and NOAA OI 1x1 datasets are used to create index. AOML and PSLĪnomaly of the average of the monthly SST from Eq-20S and 10E-30W. Ubiquitous is the dipole relationship in tropical Atlantic sea surface PSLĪnomaly of the average of the monthly SST from 5.5N to 23.5N andġ5W to 57.5W. Most recent data is based on the NOAA OI V2 SST dataset.

: Uses the dataset (HadISST1.1) is now used to calculate Niño 3.4 timeseries. Mean values also available.Ĭalculated from combining a standardized SOI and a standardized Niño3.4 SST timeseries. (5N-5S,150W-90W): From NOAA Climate Prediction Center (CPC): uses the NOAA ERSST V5 anomalies. Southern Oscillation Index: From NOAA Climate Prediction Center (CPC) and Wheeler, D., 1997: Extension to the North Atlantic Oscillation using early instrumental pressure observations from Gibraltar and South-West Iceland. Hurrell, J.W., 1995: Decadal trends in the North Atlantic Oscillation and relationships to regional temperature and precipitation.